Sunday, November 25, 2012

The True Jewel of their Father

The Three Ring Parable

Saladin, the sultan who ruled the Muslims of Spain, had been arguing with Don Pedro of Aragon, the king who ruled the Christians of Spain. Each claimed that his religion was the true one. They called a Jewish scholar named Ephraim Santzi to decide who was right. They said, "Tell us, who has God's true religion? The Christians the Muslims or the Jews?"

Not only did Santzi sense a trap, he did not want to insult Christians or Jews. He also did not want to bring shame on his own people. He asked for three days to decide. When he returned, he told this story.

"There was a precious ruby that had a wonderful power. Whoever held it close to his heart found that his life was blessed with kindness and understanding. It was owned by a jeweler who cut and polished it so well that everyone was amazed by its beauty."

This jeweler had three sons. Each one wanted the ruby more than anything else. The time came for the jeweler to go on a long journey and each son begged him for the jewel.

Before he left, he met with each son separately. He gave each son one ruby and said, "This is for you, and you alone." When he was gone, the three sons were surprised to see that each ruby was identical. They said, "Our father must have owned two more rubies, he cut and polished them to look exactly like the true one."

Each son claimed to have the true jewel and they argued and accused each other of lies. Finally, they went to a judge and told him the whole story. Then they asked, "Which is the true jewel?"

The judge studied them but could find no important difference. Finally, he answered, "I cannot tell you. Only your father knows the answer." The sons were distressed and were about to leave when the judge spoke again. "I can tell you how to prove that your jewel is not a false one."

"Tell us!" they answered swiftly.

"Whoever has the true jewel and keeps it close to his heart finds his life blessed with kindness and understanding. Live your life in such a way that you always act with kindness and understanding. Then the whole world will say your jewel cannot be false because your life is truly blessed."

Saladin and Don Pedro smiled. They thanked Ephraim and he was allowed to leave in peace.

1 comment:

  1. This is a story from Hebrew oral history. It can be found in several compilations and is sometime told with alternate characters


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