Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hezbollah says it will hit Tel Aviv Future War

The link to the article is pasted above. I'm always a little dismayed at how openly certain Arabic groups can profess war and threaten others without any backlash from our media. Add that to the nation-wide pandering to Islam and the mix points toward cultural conversion. Read the history of the spread of Islam, this is always their first step. They get a toe hold with their religion of peace lie and rapidly move large numbers of settlers in. Soon, they can swing the vote to get other Muslims elected to offices and provide special treatment for more settlers. Once they have the numbers and enough political and financial power is in play the can conduct a complete take-over, often hostilely. Don't believe me though, do the research or look openly at current events. Islam is always at war with itself and all non-believers; Constantly, violating the rights of women and brutally punishing anything like dissent within their own societies.

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