Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sasquatch Part Human, Genetic Sequencing,

'Bigfoot' Is Part Human, DNA Study Claims

Interesting article, though not much credibility is lent to the claim. I've always wondered if Bigfoot might be the descendants of Cain. He was cursed to dwell the earth as a vagabond, with enmity placed between he and his fellow man. But, after his appeal, God puts a mark on him so that he is recognizable and declares that anyone who kills him should be repaid seven-fold (Gen 4). A permanent fur coat would be a clear marker and a pretty nice gift to someone who will wander the vacant places of earth all their life. This is just an idea, maybe correct, maybe not but fun to conjecture anyway.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Shiite Mass Flagellation

If you've ever wondered what it would look like if a murderous cult became a mainstream religion, this article and video from a mosque in India should answer the question. Apparently, it was the anniversary of Mohammad's grandson being killed by his rivals.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

1566 Alien/ Demonic Battle over Basel, Switzerland

A 16th century woodcutting depicts this scene in which dark spheres were witnessed hovering over the town of Basel, Switzerland in 1566. The spheres appeared at sunrise, 'Many became red and fiery, ending by being consumed and vanishing', wrote Samuel Coccius in the local newspaper on this date.

On August 7, 1566, at dawn, many citizens of Basel (Switzerland), frightened, saw during several hours the black spheres involved in a formidable aerial battle, invading the sky of their city: "at the time when the sun rose, one saw many large black balls which moved at high speed in the air towards the sun, then made half-turns, banging one against the others as if they were fighting a battle out a combat, a great number of them became red and igneous, thereafter they were consumed and died out," wrote Samuel Coccius, the student in "crowned writings and liberal arts" who consigned the strange events in the city's gazette.

 The events portrayed in the woodcut were witnessed in 16th century Swiss, Basel at sunrise. It is at this time of day that the telluric currents are most energized. The event may have been electricity in the air misunderstood by the locals, however the spheres are described as black. It may have been an aerial conflict related to the naturally occurring energies present. The alien theory that has been popular is often argued to be a deception. The occult has been aware of telluric energy and the best time to attempt to access it, for generations. Additionally, this event occurred 30 years after Calvin wrote his Institutes, in Basal. This is likely to have been a war zone between Catholics just to the north and Calvinistic protestants. The historical correlation between UFO sighting and traumatic events in human history is often noted and lends credence to the demonic presence theories.

Wiki info on the area:
Basel became the focal point of western Christendom during the 15th century Council of Basel (1431–49), including the 1439 election of Felix V. In 1459, Pope Pius II endowed the University of Basel where such notables as Erasmus of Rotterdam, Paracelsus and Hans Holbein the Younger taught. At the same time the new craft of printing was introduced to Basel by apprentices of Gutenberg; the Schwabe publishing house was founded 1488 by Johannes Petri and is the oldest publishing house still in business. Johann Froben also operated his printing house in Basel and was notable for publishing works by Erasmus.

In 1495, Basel was incorporated in the Upper Rhenish Imperial Circle, the bishop sitting on the Bench of the Ecclesiastical Princes. As a direct consequence of the Swabian War, resolved by the 1499 Treaty of Basel, Basel and the Imperial City of Schaffhausen de facto separated from the Holy Roman Empire and joined the Swiss Confederation in 1501, as the confederacy's 11th and 12th states, with Appenzell following suit 12 years later to complete the Dreizehn Orte that made up Switzerland until the French Revolutionary Wars. The bishop continued to reside in Basel until the reformation of Oecolampadius in 1527; the bishop's crook was however retained as the city's coat of arms.
Intended as a defence of Huguenots then persecuted in France, Calvin's Institutes, authored in Basel, was a 1536 exposition of Protestant Christian doctrine which later became known as Calvinism.
The 1648 Peace of Westphalia finally brought about Imperial recognition of the independence of the Swiss cantons, removing the de jure (but not de facto) overlordship of the Holy Roman Empire rejected by the then–Prince-Bishopric nearly 150 years earlier.

The True Jewel of their Father

The Three Ring Parable

Saladin, the sultan who ruled the Muslims of Spain, had been arguing with Don Pedro of Aragon, the king who ruled the Christians of Spain. Each claimed that his religion was the true one. They called a Jewish scholar named Ephraim Santzi to decide who was right. They said, "Tell us, who has God's true religion? The Christians the Muslims or the Jews?"

Not only did Santzi sense a trap, he did not want to insult Christians or Jews. He also did not want to bring shame on his own people. He asked for three days to decide. When he returned, he told this story.

"There was a precious ruby that had a wonderful power. Whoever held it close to his heart found that his life was blessed with kindness and understanding. It was owned by a jeweler who cut and polished it so well that everyone was amazed by its beauty."

This jeweler had three sons. Each one wanted the ruby more than anything else. The time came for the jeweler to go on a long journey and each son begged him for the jewel.

Before he left, he met with each son separately. He gave each son one ruby and said, "This is for you, and you alone." When he was gone, the three sons were surprised to see that each ruby was identical. They said, "Our father must have owned two more rubies, he cut and polished them to look exactly like the true one."

Each son claimed to have the true jewel and they argued and accused each other of lies. Finally, they went to a judge and told him the whole story. Then they asked, "Which is the true jewel?"

The judge studied them but could find no important difference. Finally, he answered, "I cannot tell you. Only your father knows the answer." The sons were distressed and were about to leave when the judge spoke again. "I can tell you how to prove that your jewel is not a false one."

"Tell us!" they answered swiftly.

"Whoever has the true jewel and keeps it close to his heart finds his life blessed with kindness and understanding. Live your life in such a way that you always act with kindness and understanding. Then the whole world will say your jewel cannot be false because your life is truly blessed."

Saladin and Don Pedro smiled. They thanked Ephraim and he was allowed to leave in peace.

Hezbollah says it will hit Tel Aviv Future War

The link to the article is pasted above. I'm always a little dismayed at how openly certain Arabic groups can profess war and threaten others without any backlash from our media. Add that to the nation-wide pandering to Islam and the mix points toward cultural conversion. Read the history of the spread of Islam, this is always their first step. They get a toe hold with their religion of peace lie and rapidly move large numbers of settlers in. Soon, they can swing the vote to get other Muslims elected to offices and provide special treatment for more settlers. Once they have the numbers and enough political and financial power is in play the can conduct a complete take-over, often hostilely. Don't believe me though, do the research or look openly at current events. Islam is always at war with itself and all non-believers; Constantly, violating the rights of women and brutally punishing anything like dissent within their own societies.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pope Appoints 6 Cardinals

The above link to a yahoo news article has a quote from Pope Benedict's sermon delivered during the consistory, "She speaks in the various cultures of the different continents ... amid the polyphony of the various voices, she raises a single harmonious song to the living God." This is concerning the nationality of the new Cardinals. For those who are aware of the prophecies in Revelation, however, the references to the harlot who rides the beast and is clothed in scarlet and purple might start to solidify. The Pope refers to the church a she, the Cardinals are so called due to their scarlet attire and there is plenty of purple (color of royalty) for the metaphor, as well. The Fatima and the Papal succession prophecies are all over youtube and worth a look. If you happen on, "2012 ~ Think it's a Fairytale?" my advice is start half way through. When all pagan groups are pointing to a great change, arrival, and or destruction- and the Christian prophecies of the New Testament indicate two prophets and an anti-christ for the same time frame; it might be time to start praying. Stock up on food and water while you're at it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"The Resurrection" aka Throne of Satan at Vatican

It's no secret that many of the most venerated of Catholic traditions have their roots in paganism. In fact, the site of the Vatican was originally the temple of Janice, The statue of Peter in the basilica was formerly the statue of Jupiter, Mary- Venus, you get the idea. But what really made it seem relevant, and gave it graphic effect, for me was a photo of  Pope John Paul II, at a weekly general audience. A sculpture, "The Resurrection," by Fazzini, is the backdrop for this regular meeting. I'll admit it's a moving work, but it hardly seems suitable as a depiction of anything Christian. Perhaps it's meant to represent some other resurrection. Their seems to be a sort of skewed Rorschach test or visual double-entendre present. The flowing hair makes a reptile head when the lighting is right. The installation is often light near the base with a series of red lights that cause a similar effect chaotic background of the lava splatter.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Patraeus email show anonymity impossible

Online anonymity nearly impossible, Petraeus emails show

This is an interesting yahoo article. The counterpoint needs to be made, however, that it is nearly impossible to prove yourself innocent of a phony, computer related charge. Sort of like when the bank tells you computers don't make mistakes right up until an error is in your favor. Machines are fallible, but probably not this time for Gen. Patraeus.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ashley Judd, future senator?

The link above is to a yahoo article titled, "Ashley Judd, future senator?"  This may be the best evidence of alien activity in politics I've seen. Joking aside, the fact that ReaganSchwarzenegger, and other actors have done so well in the polling stations should be at least little disconcerting. Are the movies we watch really so real to the masses that they vote accordingly? The next question might be, are movies being designed to propel certain individuals to public office? Judge for yourself.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Manned Lunar Outpost

The link is to a yahoo article but was headlining a story as well. The yahoo story states, "Space policy expert John Logsdon, claimed that the plans were kept under wraps, in case Mitt Romney won the elections this week." Pair this with the partisan rhetoric we've been hearing for months and one might get the impression America is in the middle of a big family spat.  Government agencies must choose to side with either Mom (D) or Dad (R) in order to get any attention (funding). Maybe the kids will grow up, kick them out and clean house, or at least put them in separate beds. Until the nation finds a way to care about one another, i.e. itself- most of the kids are going to run rampant. With a few spoiled favorites growing fat, of course. I hope we continue to fund space exploration but I wonder if we can keep our nation strong enough to endure.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

UN Base on Mt. Hermon, Israel

The Book of Enoch from the Dead Sea Scrolls might leave its readers curious to know what is on Mt. Hermon today. This UN base is visible on Google Earth near, if not directly on the summit. Many Christians believe this is where Satan was cast down to earth. Ancient Astronaut theorists will appreciate the locating of a base at one of the first and most monumental alien landing sites recorded by early man. has The Book of Enoch posted to read for free.

Great Britain and the Euro-zone

This yahoo article may reinforce what many Bible prophecy theorist believe concerning a coming 10 nation United Europe. For those that believe Great Britain is a modern representation of one of the two sons of the patriarch Jacob, prophecy indicates they will not be a part of that union. The leaders in the Eurozone will need to loose a few more members from the 12 or so core figures and 27 total members they have now. The Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation and a hypothesis presented in, "The United States and Britain in Prophesy," by Herbert Armstrong are the primary reasons for this supposition. Although, many other theorists have been regarding America and Great Britain as a prophetic form of the sons of Jacob for decades.

Polarized America

This link to a yahoo news article was listed under the headline as, 

How did America become so polarized? 

There is no answer to the question they ask in the body of the article, but the assertion rings true. America is polarized. The schism in our society has been steadily ingrained and acts as a blinder for the public. Perhaps it began in marketing, Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevy, ect. made us feel as if we must choose a side over the most mundane of non-issues. Most of our parents or grandparents were raised under the Democratic or Communist paranoia of the last century. This seems a divisive ploy that kept most of them from realizing they actually live in a Republic. The divide that exists today only serves to organize the masses against one another. Without such societal control-rods, surely Americans would not tolerate law enforcement using force against peaceful protest- An ideal we as a nation are founded on. Without such pointless division, we as a people, could not silently watch as our taxes were handed over to the very institutions that were already perpetrating fraud against the public. Each individual one of us must struggle to shed the bonds of prejudice, misled biases and media misinformation in order to glimpse what is actually occurring around us. Until that time the axiom, "a house divided against its self cannot stand," may be prudent to keep in mind.